In Shona, one of the native languages of Zimbabwe, the expression Tatenda means 'thank you, we are grateful.'
Some have heard of 3 women, professional golfers, who use their influence and energies to operate Eyes4zimbabwe. Until our mission call, we were unaware of their generosity and all the good they do to bless those around them.
Reeve Nield was one of the first people we met when we arrived in Africa, and she immediately softened our landing. She brought beautiful South African flowers and food and has continually shown us Christlike service. She even lent me her hair dryer with the right plug! Tatenda!
The pandemic has kept us from meeting members of our neighborhood community or ward family, so this connection has been a sweet reminder of the blessings of hospitality and compassion. Even though it's uncomfortable for us to always be on the receiving end when we honestly have nothing to offer them, this experience is reminding us what it means to belong to the family of God, no matter where you are. Tatenda.
Today we met Lolly, the second of the 3 blonde Nephites, and once again we felt the faith that oozes out of these women who honor where they come from, and from what we've observed, live intentionally to help gather Israel any way they can. We look forward to meeting the third musketeer soon.
Tatenda, our new friends. Tatenda.
TATENDA for coming to serve 'Our People of Zimbabwe...WE LOVE YOU!!!